
Showing posts from 2017

Work journey as soft skill needs more practice

Alike great products and services, we shall be able to design our journey through our carrier. How to design a carrier in advance? No matter what is the role, what is the educational background, we are living a life that surrounds us with such conditions that hard to discover in its complexity. Easy way could be to find a software, a new business application where we input some profile information and have good predictions. These kind of applications can be found in the area of human capital management, there are vendors who offer add-on solutions to basic people management process. There are many approaches to help, motivate and retain human workforce that all employee are support to take benefit on. Some tools concentrate on building better social work-life, some of them stimulates new business ideas. What the employee is looking for is something more, they want to understand the clear expectations and able to express their contribution to the common business purpose. As these m...

Special message for 2018

A new year is always full of promises. Naturally, not without reason and not without purposes. But, how can we be really sure about our sustained success and fun? How can we assure the balance of work-life so that is fits our aim, purpose and soul? Mainly, we shall believe that things can ever come unexpected in front. Our energy to live work-life positively shall keep us move forward whatever situation we are facing to. The last message for you this year concludes this basic principle and hopefully lets you a great rocket start to 2018!

Success Digital Practice - Whitepaper available

Based on Success Digital principles we provide a flow of services called Success Digital Framework, that composes of two main sections. SD Practice is a learning process where you can understand better your challenges in digitization and let you cope with complexity of challenges with ease of fun and success. The other main section is SD Imprint. It helps you to assess your learnings from SD Practice, deepen the newly obtained experiences with further knowledge to reinforce your skills to focus on values behind the everyday activities. Success Digital Framework: Practice is the core of our framework. Our purpose is to introduce a new thinking system that focuses on shared values of the team. On the training the participants understand the terminology and tools that they can later re-use independently and individually through their carrier. To strengthen and customize the gained experiences we offer mentoring services that we collected under Imprint section. Phases ...

Team motivation - finding better approach

We are living in exiting phase of business evolution that is revitalized by combination of software and new approaches for motivation. We can find wide choice of methods and tools that are supposed to make us trained to feel more able and safe in achieving our goals.  On the rapid learning curve of organizations the realistic, optimum approach to success is still missing . Team players in business shall find the right balance to put the learnings into effective action, while not suffering from overcomplexity of everyday business life. In general, a teamwork is overloaded with tasks, backlogs that makes us all time busy. In this overloaded pace it is hard to identify and measure our values and share the result with others, while holding continuous motivation . We want to show to players of digital work life a new dimension, the new way of thinking that establishes capability of reliable assessment of ever more challenging business environment. Generating success sha...

Shots by Paradigm Digital

Not surprisingly we are bothering too much time with problems that appear without reason. We tend to think that too many stupid thing surrounds us that we can not avoid, can not control. Instead of bothering these events, do not let them shadow our everyday work-life. Focus on good things, imagine that all of us has a brilliant human inside and stimulate that side to perform. Set the good things free and sustain the positive motivation. It costs nothing more just your right attitude.

Tools für Unternehmen der Industrie 4.0 – Digitalisierung – Mission Impossible?

Industrie 4.0 stimuliert einen wunderbaren Fortschritt in der Business-Application-Welt. Jeder Mitarbeiter sollte seine Erfahrungen einbringen, so dass durch ein besseres Verständnis der Bedürfnisse der Anwender die Business Services weiterentwickelt werden können. Mitarbeiter, die solche Anwendungen nutzen, können Entscheidungsträgern quasi in Echtzeit Rückmeldung geben. Wird diese richtig interpretiert, wird sich dies in flexibleren, kooperativen und offenen Anwendungen widerspiegeln. Eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Sammlung der Daten schafft dann nicht nur neue Synergien von Industrie 4.0, sondern erschafft eine neue Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikationskultur – und damit letztlich auch ein effizienteres, transparenteres und auch demokratisches Unternehmen. Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung soll Technologie uns mehr und mehr helfen, die Bedürfnisse unseres Geschäftes leichter zu erfüllen und effizienter zu bedienen. Aber die Technologie allein, eine einzige Software allein kann nicht o...

Shots by Paradigm Digital

Thoughts that have been distilled while working on digitization projects: I saw many people who failed and become successful again. There should be a blind and massive belief all effort is not useless and in a later time your experience will pay off. Because can come situation that you do not know in advance and the more you learn from your failures the higher the chance that suddenly you find the excellent solution. Just do not give it up, whatever happens.

Discovering reality in business

We developed a new software product that could replace paperwork on field with simple electronic worksheets. We realized that large amount of information was generated about the work including the business transactional data and also employee behaviour. Our customers got aware of that and started to ask more and more reports that they can see using this information right in our software. We started to extend our application with report services but it become more and more difficult to handle efficiently this part of our service. There were many complaints about the quality of report and the service consumed far more resources from us than it was reasonable to invest. We started to find a partner who was good at business data visualization and was flexible enough to fit the scope of our business model. In the same time our customers had to be convinced about the reasonable scope of reporting to adjust the trade-off between benefits and costs. With switching off our own reporting mo...

Do we measure productivity?

New processes, new applied methods need economical justification. Typical example is when software are introduced to the work group so that it makes their life easier, they can work more productive. Usually, the mandate is already in place when the users see the new software or hear a non alterable fact about rolled-out new business functions. The nice and optimum way to see the new business application around should be naturally supported by productivity measurement as far as the improvement of productivity is goal of the company. Some of direct or indirect influence factors of better business performance shall be taking into consideration anyway. Direct influence on productivity The hard factors, tangible effects are the classics like time, saving resources and to higher the quality. Measuring shall not be difficult but always comes something in between that interferes our plan for transparency and measurement. Loosing the focus at the end : we are most of the time in hurry, ther...

The role of motivation in the business

Nice environment, motivating project goal, good people. This stunning condition sounds very good when we plan a new project. We come together in places which is organized and ornamented according to the new standards. We can feel like a startup company when we kick off a new service development. After happy start there can occur some discrepancy that we did not expect for. Is is really a surprise or did we experience this degrade of motion most of the times? Unfortunately the real life can surprise us and if it can it does.  If we check an average day of a company from in wider context, we realize the general digitalization trends are curving it independent of what is the business profile, industry type. The problem solving related to whole scale of business subjects (e.g. software development, organizational change, vendor selection, knowledge sharing) are equally dependent on the applied business software, organization management, corporate assets including the culture itse...

From maths to human

The way of business application developments for long time following common path. Independent of the area of activity first comes the process analysis. It will result - usually on paper, or with old fashion modeler applications - in task sequences and data. That is what the developer companies, vendors concentrate on. We see many new process analysis and development methods, new agile way of product creation, but the core problem is not answered.  Rather, all these systems are furter developed and vendors use the new technology stacks, big data analysis for extension of core systems with intelligence. Then the probablity of events can be calculated, we say predictive operation is enabled. AI helps system to understand better the actual process conditions and help the human user in decision. The final goal can be to eliminate human from the processes as much as possible. Therefore, according to the new vision of business systems, we tend to believe the collecion of vast...