The role of motivation in the business

Nice environment, motivating project goal, good people. This stunning condition sounds very good when we plan a new project. We come together in places which is organized and ornamented according to the new standards. We can feel like a startup company when we kick off a new service development.
After happy start there can occur some discrepancy that we did not expect for. Is is really a surprise or did we experience this degrade of motion most of the times? Unfortunately the real life can surprise us and if it can it does. 

If we check an average day of a company from in wider context, we realize the general digitalization trends are curving it independent of what is the business profile, industry type. The problem solving related to whole scale of business subjects (e.g. software development, organizational change, vendor selection, knowledge sharing) are equally dependent on the applied business software, organization management, corporate assets including the culture itself. We can share these influencing systems, principles, processes and tools into two parts. Call the one hard side of the basket that is believed material manner like, software, applied processes, written rules, office location and office environment. Others like corporate culture, behaviour, employee skill and intelligence are on the soft side. Digitalizing companies shall tune all of them to the right direction. More accurately they shall stay in harmony.

On the soft side one of the most important factor of a healthy, quick moving and developing company is the motivation of the people as part of the whole. We can name collective motivation the force that stimulates the company success. The achieve good results you shall handle motivation by person, otherwise team motivation can not be properly understood, measured and controlled.

There are some basic motivation theories that are all to be said it is hard to measure. Kerry Goyette,  founder of Aperio Consulting Group, states that it’s a misconception that you can motivate your employees. They’re already motivated. The key is to unleash their motivation.
Video presentation

Success Digital new concept is based on the same approach namely motivation is there and shall be activated individually. If this individual motivation is identified, controlled properly and harmonized with the team-goal the result will positively affect the performance of the team. Success Digital motivation control framework (SDF) takes care of celebration of team success and enlightens the discovered learning path to the company. This scientific learning process enables to understand and utilize a learning practice that can be multiply utilized at business problems of different size and subject. As a result, a learning organization can further improve its digital maturity, ability of responding professionally to the challenge of competition in the 21st century.
Success Digital practice


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