Do we measure productivity?

New processes, new applied methods need economical justification. Typical example is when software are introduced to the work group so that it makes their life easier, they can work more productive. Usually, the mandate is already in place when the users see the new software or hear a non alterable fact about rolled-out new business functions. The nice and optimum way to see the new business application around should be naturally supported by productivity measurement as far as the improvement of productivity is goal of the company. Some of direct or indirect influence factors of better business performance shall be taking into consideration anyway.

Direct influence on productivity

The hard factors, tangible effects are the classics like time, saving resources and to higher the quality. Measuring shall not be difficult but always comes something in between that interferes our plan for transparency and measurement.
Loosing the focus at the end: we are most of the time in hurry, therefore concentrate always on the core task. Typically that is to curve and shape the functions of the software to be properly operational,  serve the users to take and enter relevant information at the right time. As a consequence many added services are dropped to another basked, we tend to call them ornaments, unnecessities and such. Measuring the performance turns to belong that basket.
Turns out that measuring cost money: If you can raise the measurement to a worthy place, keep the momentum till the end of deployment, still there are many risks threatening the progression of outcome. Right before we can sense the load of measurement and evaluation, there come a sudden lightening that total cost of outcome monitoring is comparable with the software cost itself. Usually the team can no go around this problem the reveals late.
Sharing the result cost many resources: nevertheless, there is a good chance that more or less we can let the company taste the feeling the rightfully planned control on performance is not a mysterious thing. After having touch and feel on it for some extent, stakeholders thrive for more and more such services. That is just not possible without have the right business visualization and analytics toolkit in place. Otherwise the improvement of service will eat up exponentially increasing resources.
Free measuring and analysis makes harm to security: evident path to break the hurdles is to get rid of cost, at least what the software license concerns. Even this option can draw in remarkable amount of human work through whole life cycle. If we are good or simply lucky with the elected solution - that is possible anyway, few guarantee is given for data protection. That can be balanced only with amount of planning and deployment work.
Who is responsible for productivity control? maybe a question that is repeated even after the deployment. There are many type of responsibility starting from administration via operation and business performance. The latter shall be in the hand of business silo, who shall cope with contradictions complexity of requirements and enablers if the budget is not in the same hand.

Indirect relation to productivity

Soft factor that leverage the business efficiency arise an even more complex model of effects. While we have at least practises to measure physical transactions, the production is impacted by a long value stream involving uncertainties, besides human behaviour proceedings. Here comes in picture the rapidly evolving and interrelated frameworks of organizational development, we shall handle learning mechanisms, individual and collective motivation, people management, the managerial style, corporate intelligence, management of changes, continuous improvement amongst others.
All these conditions shape the vector of the corporate digital maturity. Main three pillars of them are the individual that shall have empathy, inner demand for understanding the outcome. Second pillar is the potential at the company itself for respond the market in the digital age, including the capability of sharp understanding the business healthiness themselves. The third factor is the market outside the company, that shall fore the company to understand, measure itself real time and very efficient, say smart way.

 Measuring businesses is hard to sustain

Therefore businesses shall have an integral inner stimulus for better understanding their status. That is a mirror, where all the partial team activities must catch the rhythm. While planning the projects, business tasks, the participating team shall have more empathy for consequences of their decisions and actions, modelling mid term conditions for success. This assumes relentless planning of success, because there are no two identical cases. At least because market and people are changing more or less every day.


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