Success Digital Practice - Whitepaper available

Based on Success Digital principles we provide a flow of services called Success Digital Framework,
that composes of two main sections. SD Practice is a learning process where you can understand
better your challenges in digitization and let you cope with complexity of challenges with ease of
fun and success. The other main section is SD Imprint. It helps you to assess your learnings from
SD Practice, deepen the newly obtained experiences with further knowledge to reinforce your skills
to focus on values behind the everyday activities.


Success Digital Framework: Practice is the core of our framework.
Our purpose is to introduce a new thinking system that focuses on shared values of the team.
On the training the participants understand the terminology and tools that they can later re-use independently
and individually through their carrier. To strengthen and customize the gained experiences we offer mentoring
services that we collected under Imprint section.

Phases of SD Practice, the experimentation journey:

1)Discover Values, Share Values

This is the phase where SD helps in finding the values behind the goals. These values will be
in line with the personal motivation. Every employee, every stakeholder has personal motivation.
All these together in a team will build up collective motivation, stimulate a mutual understanding
and desire for success. Participants discover together the co-operative values in the team while
incorporating their open expression of individual motivations. SD differentiates four level of
motivation that energizes the individual:
  • corporate
  • department
  • project
  • personal work-life

We live with the assumption the social and private aspects are not independent of the business motivation

categories but we do not focus on these tiers in our framework. Success Digital’s main purpose to improve
the businesses values by the well targeted motivation tools and practices.

Takeaways at the end the practice:
  • understanding the importance of values
  • being able to share values with others
  • set of my values as a part of shared values are defined
  • based on my shared values I can monitor my motivation
  • understand what to do if motivation degrades?
2) Independent learning

Let the trained participants practice the problem solving independently, with no outside control
from Success Digital trainers. This practice lasts till the end of the project, the first project of the
practitioner using Success Digital Framework. During the run of project it is recommended to
monitor and register the progress of motivation. That measured data is the key supporter of
learning, benchmarking motivation during later projects and analyzing the motivation - value fusion
in wider time and organization scale.

3) Celebrate the Achievements

At the end of practice cycle SD creates joyful learning and also a schema for presenting the results.
By accomplishment of SD Practice the team schedules a celebration event and SD team will be
invited to participate as a jury. The goal of this happening is to stabilize the outcome of learnings.
This experience serves a good basis for in-house training the principles to other colleagues inside
the company. By adding these value to corporate learning process, the whole company can develop
faster on the digitization path. This celebration event is about improve pitching skills, too.
It establishes and empowers a new corporate practice, an new, efficient knowledge handover tool,
stimulates the speaker and the new project-team who is heading to the new corporate challenge.


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