5G means human energy surplus

The new communication technology generates new impulses to business life by releasing hidden sources of human energy.

As technology becomes part of our daily activity the companies becoming digital ventures and the people of corporate communities learn to approach the digital native state. The closer they are to this goal the better they can leverage their skill, accommodate and even actively share their work environment. What necessarily means being more impactful at work and pairing the everyday routine with an emerging degree of freedom and fun. Let’s see this development trend from the perspective of the impact of what technology imposes on the employees’ career.

From where the wind blows

Great waves that influence the working culture are coming from multiple directions. All are driven by the force of generating revenue. The only difference is how they are packaged for gaining bigger support of wide acceptance. There are great innovators, bold pioneers who propose new financial modeling so that companies can be aware of their state in time and act appropriately. Think about the great economist of the last centuries and advisory brands including Big Fours and the many followers of their well-proven track. A process improvement approach can help a lot, too. The biggest drivers of this aspect of business operation are started to conclude their experience from the dawn of the industrial revolution starting from Taylor, Ford though Ohno and we can continue till today’s Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. They all have a huge impact on curving the production system, more and more merging it up with the human factor. In all modernization thought there are resources that are combined and managed accordingly to the definitive context of their time. Let’s anchor a while at the technology resource-class.

Moore’s Law, AI growth, communication channels

When electricity was deeply analyzed and modeled with scientist it was time to start the sophisticated utilization of resources. It could no longer just gear vast electric locomotive and replace the steam engine in the early English textile factories but could speed up calculation-intensive tasks and store the intermediate status of precesses for sake of automation. The first booming trend of this revolution is famed by Moore’s Law that is still mentioned in any IT meetings, conferences, and professional papers. But does this role solely determines the pace of evolution of IT world and all industries around? Consider that AI algorithms are great drivers of our future shape of industries. They need to be trained and be more and more accurate. The training takes lots of energy but after they are just amazing at work. The efficiency of learning is a kind of good measure of these algorithms which improves at a much higher velocity than Moore’s Law would assume. The improvement of artificial logic overperforms the scaling pace of computation architecture. And what about the digital communication that connects systems and enables building a highly flexible thinking system on a global scale. The bandwidth of the communication system improves 10 fold every 10 years from the ’80s, considering the fact that the real mobility of this architecture is limited by wireless communication. With 5G this bottleneck practically disappears, at least offers the biggest leap ever in the history. Now.

What the tech disruption dictates

In the last decade, new buzzwords have emerged which were to save time by avoiding the usage of longer definitions. The quickly transforming business society get used to these terms at fist then is spread through all kind of communities. Suddenly digital natives were born on the top of cloud technology, big data, edge computing and became part of extremely mobile workstyle. The mobilization is tangible at every corner of life but it’s still gaining ever greater momentum. The new descriptive terms helped business communication to remain simple and essential. Communities at work continue to innovate further word groups, word branches on the top of the modern-age dictionary core. The bigger part of the change in the language though is experienced in the soft part of the business, around the human subjects, the organizational development steps up to newer heights. Professionals who are working in people management, learning, and development area are greatly specialized for the mission to handle the impact of technology transformation at the work processes and how employees shall cope with the tech challenges. It’s not an exaggeration to say that soon all industries will be IT tech-intensive, a massive part of the digitalized business world.

How 5G is positioned amongst the enablers

Considering the big pillars of digitalization, the new mobile work-life environment the communication of IT intense nodes demand a smooth flow of information. The intelligent hubs appear in many forms including cloud service providers, corporate server farms, intelligent offices, home offices and all the sensors which make up the IoT universe. The high-speed mobile data establishes a flexible bridge between all of the parts and glues together a global neural network to assist an unlimited number of services. Those impacted are not only existing services but rapid innovations to create a whole new lifestyle right in this decade. With the introduction of 5G even the last bottleneck is disappearing and the puzzle of the technology sticks together into real mobility in the widest possible sense. Intelligent home appliances, personal sensors, and communicators augment the human body and compose whole intelligent cities, continents. New businesses rethink healthcare, change the shopping process, interpersonal personal communication.

Redefining the energy in a human-centric world

Think that all human activity either during valuable or wasted time coupled with resource consumption: commuting, teleconferencing, searching in large databases to prepare reports, participate in a meeting where of building infrastructure shall operate and serve us. Think in an operating model where the employee is in focus and all work action shall be supported with information, business applications, office environment, and business-friendly city infrastructure. Business communities consume the infrastructure for the benefit of different tiers of the community. For sake of personal benefit, for serving team collaboration, for operating the silos of the corporation on the multi-continental scale. What if one working day is lost because of a lack of information or misunderstanding of requirements? What if a whole week fells through because of sub-optimum business management? What if all these small mistakes come together in an erroneous one year project? The flow of information, the increased level of intelligent knowledge sharing and emerge of services that couldn’t exist before mitigates the risk of failure in many ways. Business communities can learn faster, share the knowledge better and arrive faster to the stage of clarity and proper experimentation. The energy surplus is sourced from the less consumption infrastructure for nonproductive purposes and also there is a huge gain for the employees who can build healthier communities. Less stress results in fewer diseases which reduces the need for mental energy taken away for remedy.


The intelligent environment composes of data, computing power behind and access to those just when it’s needed. Consider that the electric industry revolution hasn’t been in the state of proper utilization because its ecosystem was missing some of the important pieces of chain. The circle of efficiency is finally closed with the last missing chain in form the 5G communication. This will open a gate to a better life, a full range of new services and business services never seen before. The trajectory of this change is saving lots of time by consuming less monotonous and erroneous human interaction, therefore eliminates the bad consequences of wasted energy. Only the saved personal intrinsic energy is a huge benefit to our renewing society and this specific unchained mental resource can be used again what is it really for, to create new and better things around. A greener and liveable life that we aim for so much.


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